Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Model Pembelajaran Pedagogi Ignasian Ditinjau dari Komponen “Pengalaman” dan Pengaruh-Pengaruh yang Bisa Diharapkan

P. Wiryono P., S.J.
Widya Dharma, Vol. 19, No. 1, Oktober 2008

It is a teaching action research intended to justify the choosing of Genetically Modified Organisms(GMOs) issue as an issue potential to create a disorienting dilemma needed to produce a transformative learning and to identify its impact on the component of Reflection in the Ignatian Pedagogy model of teaching. A group of Farmacy students taking the Neutraceuticals class at Sanata Dharma University was chosen as the case of this study. Based on the analysis of the collected data by using Likert score value judgment it is clear that the choosing of GMOs issue as an issue potential to create a disorienting dilemma can be justified. It can be identified also that its impact on the component of Reflection takes the forms of: 1) the creation of disorienting dilemma experience which can produce a transformative learning, 2) the increasing of the reflective judgment ability of the students, and 3) the meeting of the specific target intended by the lecturer which is that the students will have a more positive attitude toward Biotechnology and GMOs as the most promising means for developing Nutraceuticals industry in the future.
Keywords: transformative learning, reflection, GMOs issue, disorienting dillema, experience, context, action, evaluation.

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