Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Pendidikan Damai bagi Anak-Anak Usia Dini: Belajar dari Pedagogi Maria Montessori

CB.Mulyatno, Pr
Widya Dharma, Vol. 19, No. 1, Oktober 2008

What is specific contribution of Montessori for education? Montessori supposed that children are natural embyio of peace. Childreen exhibit behaviors and moral traits that are calm, peaceful, and productive as basis of good character. The core of education is to foster these moral traits of respect, independence, responsibility, and self-initiative. Montessori children are given freedom within the structure of the prepared environment. This freedom enables the laws of natural development to guide children’s spontaneoua activities. When the children interact socially, the caharter thraits of friendliness, helpfulness, and sharing are cultivated. Here the broad view of the universe promotes each children’s global awareness, compassion for the interdependent needs of all living things, and conservation of the erath’s resources. Freedom is recognized as the foundation of intrinsic motivation. As a consequence, Montessori education specifically excludes practices of reward and punishment for the purpose of cultivating intrinsic motivation. In Montessori education the children’s choices are respected for guiding the children’s pace of learning thorugh spontaneous activities. The school staff must become a learning and moral community in which all share responsibility for character education and attempt to develop the same essential values that guide the education of children. This educative process values world peace as the work of cosmic education, and recognizes the value of the children as leaders of world peace.
Keywords: cosmic education, moral values, creativity, freedom, friendliness, responsibility, self-initiative. world peace.

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