Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Belajar Teori Kinetik Gas dengan Model Belajar Kelompok Terbimbing - Suatu Riset Tindakan Kelas

Paul Suparno
Widya Dharma, Vol. 18, No. 2, April 2008

This action research investigated whether the directed cooperative learning on the topic of gas kinetic theory could (1) activate student’ learning process; (2) improve students’ interest in studying the kinetic theory; and (3) improve students’ understanding on the gas kinetic theory. The sample of the research was 30 students of physics education who were studying gas kinetic theory. Some instruments were used in this research such as pretest and posttest, questioners, and observation. The questioners collected data on the activity and the interest of students; the observation look carefully the situation of students learning process; and the test observed whether students’ knowledge was improved. Statistic dependent T- test was used to determine whether the difference between pretest and posttest was significant; coding and frequency analysis was used to analysize the questioners and observation data. The result was that (1) students were more active in learning process; (2) students liked to study gas kinetic theory; and (3) their knowledge were improved. In the next year, the same method will be used to learn the gas kinetic theory and thermodinamics theory.
Kata kunci: teori kinetik gas; model belajar kelompok terbimbing; pembelajaran aktif di perguruan tinggi; mengaktifkan kuliah teori.

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