Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Perancangan dan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Matematika yang Konstruktivistik, Kontekstual, Kolaboratif

M. Andy Rudhito & Susento
Widya Dharma, Vol. 18, No. 1, Oktober 2007

This research aims at producing a constructivist, contextual, and collaborative mathematics instructional design on the topic of Trigonometry in the tenth grade classroom. The research was conducted in SMA Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Muntilan Jawa Tengah using the method of classroom action research.
A preliminary instructional design has been tried out at two tenth grade classrooms. Evaluation results indicate that the design’s syntax and substance do not need any modification, but it does need some improvement in the aspect of the instructional management by the teacher in the classrooms. Teacher should give cognizance about orientational activities, and control exploration and negotiation activities. Students seem ready to carry out the new instructional activities. They can invent their self strategies of problem solving, dare to present their working result, and discuss and negotiate it.
Key words: instructional design, constructivist, contextual, and collaborative, trigonometry.

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