Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Profil Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling SMA Rekanan Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Sanata Dharma di DIY Tahun 2006

Fajar Santoadi
Widya Dharma, Vol. 18, No. 2, April 2008

This research was conducted based on two rational backgrounds (a) recent high school guidance and counseling management model, (b) existing managerial supports needs of comprehensive guidance and counseling program.
The research purpose was describing high schools guidance and counseling management profile of Sanata Dharma University (SDU) partners School. The research instrument were structured interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGDs).
The research found both positive and negative findings. The positive findings were: (1) the high schools counselor-student ratio was quite good, (2) most of the school counselors used varying assessment methods, (3) Half of the high schools conducted group guidance services for all students, (4) All of the high schools provided individual counseling services, (5) Each high school used varying methods to control its guidance program, (6) Each high school informed guidance program to students, teachers, and parents, (7) Each high school conducted partnership with stake holders to provide guidance services. The negative findings were (1) Most school guidance staffs were not sufficiently professional, (2) Few high schools did not conduct need assessment, (3) Half of the high schools provided unscheduled group guidance for certain grades students, (4) Most high schools provided discontinued group guidance services, (5) Most high schools conducted unscientific program evaluation, (6) Students' family guidance services were not sufficient to create supportive environment.
The research proposed two suggestions: (1) Counselor competency improvement in developmental guidance theory, comprehensive guidance management, group counseling skill, research and evaluation methods, designing family and parenting education program. (2) Knowledge improvement of school administrators in comprehensive guidance management which enable them to create supportive climate for guidance and counseling program.
Keywords: Manajemen bimbingan dan kosneling komprehensif, paradigma diagram Venn empat bidang bimbingan, paradigma empat bidang bimbingan berurutan.

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