Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Persepsi Guru, Siswa dan Orangtua terhadap Ujian Nasional Studi Empirik SMP-SMP di Kotamadya Yogyakarta

Cornelio Purwantini & Rita Eny Purwati
Widya Dharma, Vol. 18, No. 1, Oktober 2007

This research aimed to find out the differences in teacher’, student’, and parents’ perceptions on the National Examination. Those differences are viewed from pedagogical, social and psychological, juridical, and economic aspects. An empirical study was conducted in Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta Regency. The differences in the teacher’s, student’s, and parents’, on the National Examination were based on school categories, namely, National Standard School, Potential School, and Pioneer School. The categories of shools were conducted by Badan Akreditasi Sekolah that were based on result of the Nasional Examination in 2004 and the school infrastructure. The National Standard School is school that has the best category, followed by potential School, and Pioneer School
This study is an ex-post-facto. The primary data consisted of the perceptions of the teachers, students, and parents that were collected by questionnaires. The questionnaires utilized using descriptive and inferential statistic approach. The hypothesis testing was conducted using one -way Anova and multiple coparation test.
The result of hypothesis testing indicated that, first, the perception of teachers on the National Examination was not different at three school category. Secondly, there were significant differences in students’ perception on the National Examination in the parents’ perceptions on the Nasional Examination at the three school categories.
Key words: perception, the National Examination, pedagogical aspect, social and psychological aspects, juridical aspect, and economic aspect.

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