Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Miskonsepsi tentang Bilangan Desimal dari Calon Guru

Wanty Widjaja, Caye Stacey, & Vicki Steinle
Widya Dharma, Vol. 18, No. 2, April 2008

This paper will describe the result of an investigation on pre-service teachers’ misconception of decimal numbers. Written tests and interview data reveal pre-service teachers’ misconception about decimals. Misconception involving interpretation of decimals with repeating digits, incorrectly associated with rounding rules, is particularly dominant. Prior learning experience, which is mainly based on memorized rules without meaningful understanding, is found as one of the factors for this misconception. The importance of developing meaningful understanding of decimals relying on knowledge of decimal place value is highlighted.
Keywords: decimal numbers, meaningful understanding, pre-service teachers

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