Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Model Prosedur Pengembangan dan Implementasi Program Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah Dasar

Gendon Barus
Widya Dharma, Vol. 19, No.1, Oktober 2008

An elementary educator has double roles with multiple tasks. Not only does an elementary classroom teacher teach his or her students, but he/she also needs to develop and implement classroom guidance and counseling program (SK Menpan RI No. 84 Tahun 1993; Permendiknas No. 22 Tahun 2006). In fact, the majority of classroom teachers find difficulty to do so that task.
This research and development process is targeted to produce a model of designing, managing, and implementing of elementary school guidance and counseling program. This model is expected to able to encourage them to design and develop guidance and counseling program at their own classroom. In the long term, those elementary classroom teachers are expected to able to sinergize their instructional roles with guidance and counseling function professionally, so that their instructional quality can improve students performance effectivelly and improve the educational quality. In order to reach that goal, this research is designed by multiyears research, development, and diffussion (the R, D, and D Model). On the first year, the research stage is begun with preliminary investigation (literature study and field study) to build conceptual frame of reference for designing of hipotetical model that will be developed, designing and constructing all of this instrumen model, and conducting students’ needs assessment.
The results of the preliminary study were: (1) the hipotetical model of developing prosedur of elementary school guidance and counseling program was formated; (2) six instruments of this model were constructed; (3) the student’s needs assessment analyses found that: (a) almost all of the students that were investigated stated that they needed guidance services, (b) there were 20 items of elementary student’s developmental needs that high intensity level to be fulfilled, (c) there were 42 items of developmental disturbing problems among most of the elementary students; and (4) all of the classroom teachers (32 person) that investigated in this study did not have the classroom guidance and counseling program and they also did not showed understand how to integrated the content of guidance curriculum into subject matter. The results is explained in this article.
Keywords: guidance and counseling program, needs assessment, guidance curriculum

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