Jurnal Penelitian No.23, November 2008
This research aimed to study and analyze the influence of compensation, training and working environment toward teacher’s working satisfaction in Vocational School YPKK 3 Sleman period 2007.
The type of this research is case study. The population as the sample in this research is all of teachers in Vocational School YPKK 3 Sleman by amount of 24 respondents. The technique of sampling which was used is saturate sampling technique. The data collection in this research used questioner and interview. For the technique of data analyzing it was used technique of Multiple Regression Analysis of Three Predictors. To examine the coefficient of multiple regressions it was used t-test.
Characteristic of respondent in this research is majority female (62,5%); most of them are 41 – 50 years old (54,2%); mostly have the educational level S1 (83,2%); and most of them had worked since 16 – 20 years old (45,8%). From the description of data to compensation variable, it could be concluded that the compensation which is given is inappropriate (54,17%); the training included category of satisfaction (50%); working environment which exist support them to work (38%), and the level of working satisfaction could be categorized as unsatisfied (50%).
Based on data analysis it could be known that F count value as much 8,137 by tariff of significance 0,001 whereas F value to 24 respondents by counter dk = 3 and denominator dk (24-3-1) = 20 to the rate of deviation 5% as much 3,10. By the reason F count > F table (8,137 > 3,10), by the level of significance is smaller than 5% (0,001 < 0,05), thus it could be concluded that the model of regression has been appropriate, thus it could be used to predict the working satisfaction.
Partial analysis revealed that only compensation which affect positively and significantly toward working satisfaction (K = 1,424, p = 0,005). R2 value of 0,550 which meant 55% of working satisfaction is affected by compensation, carrier development and working environment. Meanwhile 45% of working satisfaction is affected by other variables beyond this research. For example: degree or occupation, position, age, supervising quality, system of salary and social insurance, and the width of working insurance.
The type of this research is case study. The population as the sample in this research is all of teachers in Vocational School YPKK 3 Sleman by amount of 24 respondents. The technique of sampling which was used is saturate sampling technique. The data collection in this research used questioner and interview. For the technique of data analyzing it was used technique of Multiple Regression Analysis of Three Predictors. To examine the coefficient of multiple regressions it was used t-test.
Characteristic of respondent in this research is majority female (62,5%); most of them are 41 – 50 years old (54,2%); mostly have the educational level S1 (83,2%); and most of them had worked since 16 – 20 years old (45,8%). From the description of data to compensation variable, it could be concluded that the compensation which is given is inappropriate (54,17%); the training included category of satisfaction (50%); working environment which exist support them to work (38%), and the level of working satisfaction could be categorized as unsatisfied (50%).
Based on data analysis it could be known that F count value as much 8,137 by tariff of significance 0,001 whereas F value to 24 respondents by counter dk = 3 and denominator dk (24-3-1) = 20 to the rate of deviation 5% as much 3,10. By the reason F count > F table (8,137 > 3,10), by the level of significance is smaller than 5% (0,001 < 0,05), thus it could be concluded that the model of regression has been appropriate, thus it could be used to predict the working satisfaction.
Partial analysis revealed that only compensation which affect positively and significantly toward working satisfaction (K = 1,424, p = 0,005). R2 value of 0,550 which meant 55% of working satisfaction is affected by compensation, carrier development and working environment. Meanwhile 45% of working satisfaction is affected by other variables beyond this research. For example: degree or occupation, position, age, supervising quality, system of salary and social insurance, and the width of working insurance.
Key words: influence, compensation, training, working environment, working satisfaction, teacher
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